Wednesday, November 11, 2009


i've been wanting to post for some time but i've been too lazy to.

1) i've officially given up trying to play the guitar. it's pretty much near impossible for me to play the darn instrument due to a certain birth defect of mine. ah well, at least it was worth a shot.

2) according to my new soap bottle, i now smell of green tea and cucumber. i know, gross.

3) i'm sure beyond doubt that i will spend the rest of my holidays either being cooped up at home, yelled at by my coach or in some horrible part of this world trying to keep from being turned into a popsicle.

4) church is no longer a familiar place. no one talks to me or even bothers to say hi. okay fine that isn't entire true. but out of my entire dcg class, only abigail ever talks to me. honestly, it's like whatever chemistry i had with my used-to-be-friends has vanished; which is a huge deal cause i used to be pretty tight with all of them, with one or two exceptions. i blame myself. and a couple other people. but if i'm being truly honest with myself, i guess it's mostly my fault. it was probably bound to happen anyway. oh well, story of my life.

5) i think my coach is going through menopause or something. just kidding, but he really is becoming more and more should i put it...hormonal. okay fine, more naggy, mean, horrible, that sorta thing. i think he's trying to pressurise us into doing better instead of being mr nice guy all the time like he is with the other kids. and the number of pep talks he's been giving us is increasing like crazy. sometimes, i feel a little inspired to play better. sorta like when mrs ng gives us her kind of pep talks. but on the downside, the whole "pressurise-them-so-they-play-better" thing isn't really working for me.

6) i think i'm trying too hard to get my footwork right. seems like the more i play, the worse i become. i miss more balls than ever now. and my timing is way off. coach says i'm too stiff and i need to bend my knees and turn my hips more. but every time i do (or try to) i feel really strange and awkward. i don't even know HOW i should be bending my knees.

7) i'm a little apprehensive about my ROCs trip. part of me thinks i'm gonna have tons of fun. and the other part thinks i'm gonna have trouble blending in. i mean fitting in wasn't much of a problem in OBS since, y'know, we were all pretty much forced to given the situation and all. who knows, maybe i could have some me-time ore fun with people i already know.

8) jared padelecki really should keep his fringe. he doesn't look very good with his forehead exposed.


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