Sunday, December 27, 2009


like i said...I'M BACK!!! after new zealand, after camp and finally after china. god, i haven't missed home like since...since...god knows when. probably never.

i guess i'm way way WAY too late to blog about new zealand; and camp's a little old but i'll get to that later. first up...CHINA!!!

probably the entire G/T population has already gone to china but anyway. let's see...

the most impt thing i've learnt from the trip is probably how to hold my breath for long periods of time. and when to breathe and when not to breathe. see, i absolutely ABHOR cigarette smoke and people there smoke like there's no tomorrow. a few of them smoke pipes. and oh my gosh, pipe smoke smells like pure, unadulterated evil. it's very different from the sickeningly sweet smell of cigarettes but it just as repulsive.

another thing, it's so so so so so so so so so so so so friggin COLD. i can't type enough 'so's to express how darn cold it was. beijing was normally around 0 degrees celsius but could drop to -8 degrees. xi'an was hell of a lot colder. i had to wear two pairs of long johns and i was still shivering.

on the plus side, I SAW SNOW!!!!! (for the very first time) when i saw it at first i was a little disappointed cause i just saw itsy bitsy patches of white falling from the sky. y'know how in winnie the pooh videos or the tigger movie the snow that falls is like in huge snowballs? anyhoo, the snowflakes were really pretty. enoch and i spent a few foolish minutes jumping and stooping around trying to catch the big ones. i think the people selling stuff at the roadside must've thought we'd gone nuts. ah well, time well spent.

and i have to say i am so so so relived that:
1) i don't have to wear multiple layers of clothes anymore
2) i don't have to use stupid lip balm/ gloss (my god i positively HATE these)
3) i don't have static-ie hair anymore
4) i don't have to use hotel shampoo
5) my hair's almost back to normal
6) i can go back to wearing pjs when i sleep

Yay for me. now i have to go start on holiday homework. yes, i did say 'start'.

p.s. who wants to bet i'm not going to start till new year's day?

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