Thursday, March 4, 2010

random quote

was doing some research and came across this quote:

On a personal level, I don’t actually care whether a deity exists or not. While, if they were proven to be real, there would clearly be an impact on all of our lives, at this moment in time I don’t really mind. I don’t care whether my origins are primates or a creator. I would say that in my experience those who believe, and especially those who come to religion later in life, do so because they need to believe, and I do not have that need myself. I can accept that my life is unplanned, and not part of some great scheme of a creator, that doesn’t worry me or make me feel inadequate in anyway. In fact, I feel quite comfortable with it. So my response to the question “would you like there to be a God” would be “I have no need for there to be a God”.

it's interesting how all religious discussions end up with the do-you-even-care-if-God-exists-question

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