Sunday, December 27, 2009


like i said...I'M BACK!!! after new zealand, after camp and finally after china. god, i haven't missed home like since...since...god knows when. probably never.

i guess i'm way way WAY too late to blog about new zealand; and camp's a little old but i'll get to that later. first up...CHINA!!!

probably the entire G/T population has already gone to china but anyway. let's see...

the most impt thing i've learnt from the trip is probably how to hold my breath for long periods of time. and when to breathe and when not to breathe. see, i absolutely ABHOR cigarette smoke and people there smoke like there's no tomorrow. a few of them smoke pipes. and oh my gosh, pipe smoke smells like pure, unadulterated evil. it's very different from the sickeningly sweet smell of cigarettes but it just as repulsive.

another thing, it's so so so so so so so so so so so so friggin COLD. i can't type enough 'so's to express how darn cold it was. beijing was normally around 0 degrees celsius but could drop to -8 degrees. xi'an was hell of a lot colder. i had to wear two pairs of long johns and i was still shivering.

on the plus side, I SAW SNOW!!!!! (for the very first time) when i saw it at first i was a little disappointed cause i just saw itsy bitsy patches of white falling from the sky. y'know how in winnie the pooh videos or the tigger movie the snow that falls is like in huge snowballs? anyhoo, the snowflakes were really pretty. enoch and i spent a few foolish minutes jumping and stooping around trying to catch the big ones. i think the people selling stuff at the roadside must've thought we'd gone nuts. ah well, time well spent.

and i have to say i am so so so relived that:
1) i don't have to wear multiple layers of clothes anymore
2) i don't have to use stupid lip balm/ gloss (my god i positively HATE these)
3) i don't have static-ie hair anymore
4) i don't have to use hotel shampoo
5) my hair's almost back to normal
6) i can go back to wearing pjs when i sleep

Yay for me. now i have to go start on holiday homework. yes, i did say 'start'.

p.s. who wants to bet i'm not going to start till new year's day?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Before i leave for sheepland...

Me: It's really white. (refering to the freshly painted walls of our room)
Enoch: Yeah it is. It's made entirely of salt. (refering to his dehydration base in mosehunt)
Me: Oh.... It is? -confused look-

Note - i was in the kitchen and she was in the dining room
Me: Hey, do you think my towel will dry by tomorrow so i can pack it in?
Mom: depends on the weather, and the humidity...(going all scientific)
Me: huh? what does my stupidity have anything to do with it?

who else thinks i should get a hearing aid for christmas?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


i've been wanting to post for some time but i've been too lazy to.

1) i've officially given up trying to play the guitar. it's pretty much near impossible for me to play the darn instrument due to a certain birth defect of mine. ah well, at least it was worth a shot.

2) according to my new soap bottle, i now smell of green tea and cucumber. i know, gross.

3) i'm sure beyond doubt that i will spend the rest of my holidays either being cooped up at home, yelled at by my coach or in some horrible part of this world trying to keep from being turned into a popsicle.

4) church is no longer a familiar place. no one talks to me or even bothers to say hi. okay fine that isn't entire true. but out of my entire dcg class, only abigail ever talks to me. honestly, it's like whatever chemistry i had with my used-to-be-friends has vanished; which is a huge deal cause i used to be pretty tight with all of them, with one or two exceptions. i blame myself. and a couple other people. but if i'm being truly honest with myself, i guess it's mostly my fault. it was probably bound to happen anyway. oh well, story of my life.

5) i think my coach is going through menopause or something. just kidding, but he really is becoming more and more should i put it...hormonal. okay fine, more naggy, mean, horrible, that sorta thing. i think he's trying to pressurise us into doing better instead of being mr nice guy all the time like he is with the other kids. and the number of pep talks he's been giving us is increasing like crazy. sometimes, i feel a little inspired to play better. sorta like when mrs ng gives us her kind of pep talks. but on the downside, the whole "pressurise-them-so-they-play-better" thing isn't really working for me.

6) i think i'm trying too hard to get my footwork right. seems like the more i play, the worse i become. i miss more balls than ever now. and my timing is way off. coach says i'm too stiff and i need to bend my knees and turn my hips more. but every time i do (or try to) i feel really strange and awkward. i don't even know HOW i should be bending my knees.

7) i'm a little apprehensive about my ROCs trip. part of me thinks i'm gonna have tons of fun. and the other part thinks i'm gonna have trouble blending in. i mean fitting in wasn't much of a problem in OBS since, y'know, we were all pretty much forced to given the situation and all. who knows, maybe i could have some me-time ore fun with people i already know.

8) jared padelecki really should keep his fringe. he doesn't look very good with his forehead exposed.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Mistaken Identity

omg i'm devastated. i just got an email from the hospital asking if i'd like to volunteer again.

Dear Hannah,

How’s school? Hope you are doing fine over at Shanghai. Just asking if you would like to volunteer when you are back in Singapore. Do take care of yourself and study hard!

WRONG PERSON!!! and i was over the moon when i saw that email; i even told my dad. and then i find that he probably sent it to the wrong girl :( so much for thinking that maybe i did do something constuctive. major anti-climax.

i swear i will mope about this for the next 8 hours.

Friday, October 9, 2009


i love this website. it makes me feel so much better about MY life.

Today, I was looking at my wedding photos. The photographer moved onto the "candid" shots and thought it would be cute to have pics of us making out at the reception. I have blonde hair. The girl in the picture did not. FML

Today, I invited over 30 people to come to the park with me since the day was nice and cool. I sat there for three hours by myself. FML

Today, it's my birthday. My best friend called me at work and offered to take me out to lunch. When he went to pay for the meal, his card was declined so I told him not to worry and that I would pay for the birthday meal. He looked at me and said "It's your birthday?" He was serious. FML

Today, it was my birthday. I asked my mom that instead of a present if she would make a donation to my favourite charity. She said that this wasn't a "proper" present for a 15-year-old girl. Instead she got me a kettle because "ours had broke and you make the most tea in the family." FML

Today, I open my front door and saw a covered basket with a card from my girlfriend on it. I picked it up and read, "Hope this cheers you up." I uncovered the basket to find a golden labrador puppy. It's eyes were closed and it wasn't breathing. FML

Today, I learned that if you're going to tell your mother you are gay, make sure she isn't holding a frying pan filled with hot grease. FML

Today, my boyfriend bought me a beautiful pair of very expensive diamond earrings, along with a card that read, "To my beautiful brown eyed Princess." My ears aren't pierced, and my eyes are green. FML

Today, my boyfriend asked me out to dinner, which we never do. While at the restaurant he gets down on his knees, looks me in the eyes, and pulls out a little box. He opens it and inside is a note that says 'We're Done.' He then leaves me at the restaurant with the bill and the $2.00 box. FML
what an ASS

Today, I was at the Salvation Army when I saw a wheelchair in the miscellaneous aisle. I thought it would be fun to ride around in it. As I was wheeling it back to where I found it, I made it back just as it's owner was hobbling out of the dressing room. FML

Today, while working on my laptop, I accidentally spilled a glass of water. I quickly moved my laptop out of the way of the oncoming stream. It fell on the floor and broke. FML
this would happen to me

Today, I was eating ice cream and struggling to chew a particularly hard chunk of chocolate. After finally breaking it into pieces, I spat it out because it tasted terrible. Then I discovered that I was missing my temporary crown. Now I have no upper molar. FML

Today, I poured my heart out into what had to be my greatest set of lyrics for my band ever, at the same time my teacher was explaining chemical changes to the class. At the end of the lecture he picked up my paper, and set it on fire to demonstrate a chemical change. FML

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Papa called me a wimp

OHHHHH I'M IN AGONY!!! actually not really since my dad gave me some eyedrops and a gel that looks like crap. no seriously, it really is the colour of crap. so now, i look like i have solidified crap-coloured tears cause he applied it to my lower eyelid. AND he called me a wimp. he said i looked like i was going for eye surgery to pop the damn thing instead of just putting eyedrops.

HMPH! how do i know the eyedrops are really eyedrops huh?? maybe the pharmacist accidentally put acid in it instead. or maybe the person who gave me the eyedrops isn't really my dad but someone who just looks like my dad and wants to kill me for some unfathomable reason?? there are a LOT of things to be worried about.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


how??? my eye is practically KILLING ME. okay fine the pain isn't that bad but it's the discomfort that i'm a little worried about. how'm i sposed to concentrate on the tests when i can't even look left properly?? okay it mayn't sound that bad, but trust me it's affects your concentration quite a lot. and i can't really see with my right eye - it's a bit blurry. Thank goodness i was able to finish the history paper. and thank god facist japan didn't come out!!!

i think i'm falling more and more in love with boyce avenue :) i love the lead singer's voice. *sigh*

p.s. EEEPP!! what if i go blind??? i don't want to go blind. pleasegodpleasegodpleasegod don't let me go blind pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Amazing cover

guess who's not studying for eoys?


Today, I was at my son's baseball game when a foul ball came flying toward my brand new car. In an attempt to save my windshield, I dove onto trying to stop the ball only to land on my windshield, crack it and see the ball land safely on the ground next to my car. FML

Today, it was my wedding day. Everything went great, except that no one showed up. Apparently, the address of the invitation was typed wrong. FML

Today, I walked into my brother's house to see him unshaven and still in pyjamas eating ice-cream straight from the tub. I said jokingly, "You're lucky you have your wife, no one else could love you." His wife had just told him she was leaving him for her orthodontist. FML

Today, I went to my former high school's homecoming game. A classmate who I always had a crush on looks up and goes "Brian!", holding her arms out for a hug. I hug her and she seems a bit suprised but hugs back anyway. I get up and see another Brian from our class behind me. Shame. FML

Today, my english teacher asked me why I didn't have my project completed. Thinking quick on my feet I told her it was because my grandmother had just passed away. Apparently they go to the same country club and have known each other for years. My teacher started crying and ran out of the room. FML

Today, my daughter learned how to write her name correctly for the first time. Only thing is, she decided to practise writing it all over my body with a sharpie while I was sleeping. Work starts in 30 minutes. FML

Today, my boyfried of 4 years broke up with me. Via text. With the iPhone I got him for our anniversary. FML

Today, my girlfriend told me she lost her phone and not to call or text her. After about three hours, I text her phone, asking if she found it yet. I got a reply saying "Nope." FML

Today, I lent my parents a copy of "The Dark Knight", saying it was one of my favourite movies so they needed to watch it. A bit later my mom called. Apparently my roommate wanted to watch it as well, but couldn't find the case to his porno and decided to just use the Batman case instead. FML


Today, while driving, I wondered what it would be like to drive without a windshield. After brief speculation, I concluded that it would be very windy. I then realized why it is called a windshield. MLIA

Today, I watched Bear in the Big Blue House for the first time since I as 7. I'm 18 now and the first thing Bear said when he opened the door was 'My, how you've grown!'It made me feel good to know he remembers me. MLIA

Today, I was on Yahoo! creating a new account. After filling in my name, and alternate email it asked for my birthdate. By mistake, I typed an extra digit in the year section, and a little robot came up on the screen asking," Are you really from the future?!" It made my day.

Today I got prank called by someone who asked me if my fridge was running. I ignored the question and hung up. 2 minutes later I heard a knock on my door. I open the door just in time to see someone in a big box painted up like a fridge running away. MLIA

Today, a kid in my class told the teacher that his dog ate his homework. The teacher laughed, until the kid silently pulled out a clear ziplock bag with an obviously chewed piece of paper in it. We all applauded. MLIA
DAMN some people have all the luck

Today, I lost my mood ring. Now I don't even know how I feel about this. MLIA.

Today at work, I was moving some child mannequins and accidentally placed a girl mannequin and a boy mannequin with their faces together. I quickly turned them away saying "You're too young." A customer saw me and dramatically said "Honestly, kids these days!" slapped the boy mannequin across the face and stomped off. I love my job. MLIA

Today, I had to go to the hospital and was hooked up to a heart moniter. Everytime I would breath in or out, the line on the moniter would move up or down, or in squiggles. I spent the next two hours breathing heavily or lightly while trying to create a bunny on the screen. I succeded. MLIA
I so gotta try this

Today I asked my 3 year old son what he wanted to be when he grew up. He thought for a minute and said, "Annakin Skywalker." I looked at him, surprised, and said, "I thought you wanted to be Darth Vader." To that he replied, "Mommy, they're the same person." I have never been so proud. MLIA

Today, my little brother asked me what "porn" is. Not wanting to tell him the truth, I immediately told him it was the abbreviation of "popcorn". Later at night he told my parents that he wanted to watch a movie with porn. MLIA

Today, I began writing a paper that is due tomorrow morning. Instead of writing today's date in the header, I wrote the date it was three days ago to make it seem like I didn't start this last minute. MLIA.
I'm proud to say that i do this pretty often =DD

Today I went to take a shower and in the middle of my shower something felt weird under my feet. I looked down to find I was still wearing my socks. MLIA

Today, at dinner, my mom asked my sister how many kids she wanted. My sister replied "I want 22, each with a different daddy so I can get more child support" My sister is never allowed outside again. MLIA

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Anything you can do i can do better

Hey steph, doesn't this song eeriely resemble most of our arguments?

ANYTHING YOU CAN DO by Annie Oakley and Frank Butler
Anything you can do,
I can do better.
I can do anything
Better than you.

No, you can't.
Yes, I can. No, you can't.
Yes, I can. No, you can't.
Yes, I can,
Yes, I can!

Anything you can be
I can be greater.
Sooner or later,
I'm greater than you.

No, you're not. Yes, I am.
No, you're not. Yes, I am.
No, you're NOT!
Yes, I am.Yes, I am!

I can shoot a partridge
With a single cartridge.
I can get a sparrow
With a bow and arrow.
I can live on bread and cheese.
And only on that?
So can a rat!

Any note you can reach
I can go higher.
I can sing anything
Higher than you.

No, you can't. (High)
Yes, I can. (Higher) No, you can't. (Higher)
Yes, I can. (Higher) No, you can't. (Higher)
Yes, I can. (Higher) No, you can't. (Higher)
Yes, I can. (Higher) No, you can't. (Higher)
Yes, I CAN! (Highest)

Anything you can buy
I can buy cheaper.
I can buy anything
Cheaper than you.

Fifty cents?
Forty cents!
Thirty cents?
Twenty cents! No, you can't!
Yes, I can,
Yes, I can!

Anything you can say
I can say softer.
I can say anything
Softer than you.

No, you can't. (Softly)
Yes, I can. (Softer) No, you can't. (Softer)
Yes, I can. (Softer) No, you can't. (Softer)
Yes, I can. (Softer)
YES, I CAN! (Full volume)

I can drink my liquor
Faster than a flicker.
I can drink it quicker
And get even sicker!

I can open any safe.
Without bein' caught?
That's what I thought--you crook!

Any note you can hold
I can hold longer.
I can hold any note
Longer than you.

No, you can't.
Yes, I can No, you can't.
Yes, I can No, you can't.
Yes, I can
Yes, I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
No, you C-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-N'T--
CA-A-A-A-N! (Cough, cough!)
Yes, you ca-a-a-an!

Anything you can wear
I can wear better.
In what you wear
I'd look better than you.

In my coat?
In your vest! In my shoes?
In your hat! No, you can't!
Yes, I can
Yes, I CAN!

Anything you say
I can say faster.
I can say anything
Faster than you.

No, you can't. (Fast)
Yes, I can. (Faster) No, you can't. (Faster)
Yes, I can. (Faster) Noyoucan't. (Faster)
YesIcan! (Fastest)

I can jump a hurdle.
I can wear a girdle.
I can knit a sweater.
I can fill it better!

I can do most anything!
Can you bake a pie? No.
Neither can I.

Anything you can sing
I can sing sweeter.
I can sing anything
Sweeter than you.

No, you can't. (Sweetly)
Yes, I can. (Sweeter) No, you can't. (Sweeter)
Yes, I can. (Sweeter) No, you can't. (Sweeter)
Yes, I can. (Sweeter) No, you can't, can't, can't (sweeter)
Yes, I can, can, can (Sugary)
Yes, I can! No, you can't!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Religious debate (cont.)

I forgot to mention, i still don't see what proof we have of God's existence. Jean said that the fact that the bible is true means that God is real. Then i asked for proof we have that the bible is credible then she said it all boils down to faith. But then there's no need for this debate if we establish that the existence of God depends on what one believes in.

Just a question, can something come into existence just because people hope hard enough for it to be there? Can people's wishes come true because they wish hard enough for it?

Religious debate

i WAS going to flame robert downey jr. in today's post because of what carmen said about batman and "the ackles fella" but i decided not to. BUT that doesn't mean i'm gonna let you off carmen!!!

anyway, jean and i finally had the time to dicuss religion and conduct our religious debate. and scare off carmen at the same time. the topic was mainly the existence of God. jean took the proposition and i took the opposition. and xiyun somehow weaved her way into the discussion/ debate. of course, she took the affirmative.

i am proud to say that after everything had been said, we didn't manage to establish anything. at all. not even the definition of God or the credibility of the bible. but i did manage to gain some random facts from this debate:
1) religion is subjective
2) God is subjective
3) arguing with jean is almost as hard as arguing with dad
4) jean is one complex person. make that creature.

jean should be touched. i just wasted a whole post on her =D

EVERYBODY LOVES MILLIE!!! including the white clown!!

p.s. i shall start reading theological books. didn't know they existed until today but they're damn well interesting.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jensen Ackles

this is why he's so underrated.

i can't find an uploadable eye of the tiger video but i will. then i'll upload it. it's awesome :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


for those of you who know me, you might also know that i find great joy in comebacks =D

for the work-stressed of the world who are challenged daily to produce biting retorts but sometimes can come up with no more than an "OH YEAH?"

I don't know what your problem is, but i bet it's hard to pronounce.

How 'bout never? Is never good for you?

I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.

I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to worship me. (this is so alexa)

I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.

It sounds like English but i can't understand a word you're saying.

I can see your point, but I still think you're full of it.

I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid.

I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't give a damn. (how true =D)

I'm already visualising the duct tape over your mouth.

Thank you, we're refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.

Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.

I'm not being rude; you're just insignificant.

No, my powers can never be used for good.

You sound reasonable. Time to up the medication.

Do I look like a friggin' people person? (I have said this in my head so many times i'm surprised it isn't imprinted on my forehead)

This isn't a school, it's hell with fluorescent lighting.

You! Off my planet!

I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.

My personal favourite: Chaos, panic, disorder. My work here is done.

That's all :) hopefully this will be inspiration for you guys.

Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realise you havent fallen asleep yet.

Friday, September 4, 2009


i realise that ALOUD isn't just any talent-time but it's a MUSIC contest so screw the title.

the concert wasn't as good as last year's. maybe it was because i was filming and couldn't really concentrate on the music. y'know, trying to get the singer within a suitable camera angle while keeping in mind that you shouldn't move it too fast but she's walking so fast. i don't know why but after the first half i couldn't stand being in the auditorium anymore so i rushed out the moment the interval started. and then when i came back i got scolded by the seniors :( oh wells, i guess it IS kinda my fault. my new tagline: "Duty calls"

about the performances, i guess maybe it's cause the semifinals got cancelled so that the "quality" was compromised. don't get me wrong, some of the girls were really great. i didn't even know they could sing. their lovely voices made people like me who are deafer-than-tone-deaf, whose music careers are completely out of the question, extremely jealous. i'm just kidding :)

but of course, rachel's performance is still creme de la creme. she's better than amazing and her voice is really really sweet. she's got the best control of her voice too, and i bet that's the secret to her success. not that i'd know anything about it =X

oh and xiuqi, that girl is WONDERFUL. i didnt even know she could sing. and of course she didnt even consider TELLING ME. she did a great job with Behind these hazel eyes.

OH and one more thing, when thanh was filming, it hit me that it takes a LOT of effort from a LOT of people just to make a concert like this one. and the saddest thing is that although these people are absolutely crucial to making the concert a success, they get the least recognition if they get it at all. i mean i know, the emcees thank all these "invisible" people at the end of the concert and that's good. but i still think that they really do deserve more than what they get.

guess that's life

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Shouldn't be here


Thought of the day:
Techonology hates me.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Sunday, August 30, 2009



=D alrigtie enough with the egotism. I WAS going to blog about the literature seminar yesterday but my dad borrowed TWO stephen king movies and...

so anyway, this year's lit sem is actually better than lasts year's, BUT the workshop was pretty bad (for me at least) the lecturer can't have been that bad since he's an ex-literature teacher at RJC and he DID make some relevant points about certain extracts. but i don't know, he made shakespeare seem so DEAD to me. then again, i've never been one to enjoy literature classes. but i do like shakespeare, at least his plays are pretty cool, i just wish we did hamlet or macbeth instead of R&J last year.

the drama performances were pretty cool too. i liked the parodies performed by RI best. the boys had to cross-dress cause there were tons of female characters in their plays. my goodness they were HILARIOUS. there was one who wore an RGS uniform and another one who acted like a bimbo. i thought they made pretty good girls, y'know apart from their voices and the way they walked. there was even one who danced to the nobody song. i swear that song is WAY overrated. and since all the parodies were performed by RI, it was very fitting that the emcee for that section was also from RI. or JC. he kept making comments and jokes about homosexuality and how the RI boys had the chance of "embracing their inner selves"

speaking of emcees, i think whoever organised this seminar chose very good emcees. i could actually HEAR what they were saying and they didn't crack any stupid jokes. okay i know that doesnt sound very impressive, but i think they did a very good job. did i mention that they managed to catch the attention of some girls? *hint* or maybe just one of them...don't know go ask zhilin.

alright i think i'm good. gonna go for tennis...and hopefully coach simon doesn't make us do physical *groan* CYA

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

In response to jeanette's request :)

i'm a horrible blogger arent i, no matter...only jeanette knows about this blog as yet =DD

i did the quiz-of-sorts on steph's blog.

1. What do you say to yourself every morning?
The Best Part of Waking Up is Hannah in Your Cup.

2. What do you want other people say about you?
Nothing Comes Between Me And My Hannah.

3. Someone asked you out, your answer is...
Probably The Best Hannah In The World.

4. How would you answer a booty call?
Crunch All You Want. We'll Make Hannah.

5. How would you introduce yourself to someone you really like?
Kills All Known Hannah - Dead.

6. To someone you dislike?
It's That Hannah Feeling.

7. You're in a conversation and you suddenly feel the need to pee, how would you excuse yourself?
A Taste For Hannah.

8. Your parents ask you why you got home late, you say...
Cuts Hannah Time in Half.

9. You're failing a subject, you say...
Hannah Is Good For You.

10. The love of your life asks you to marry him/her, what do you say?
Hope It's Hannah, It's Hannah, We Hope It's Hannah...

11. Your bf/gf is breaking up with you, you tell him/her...
The Joy of Hannah.

12. Someone told you you're an asshole, you tell them...
Come See the Softer Side of Hannah.

13. What are the best words to describe you?
Nothin' Says Lovin' Like Hannah from the Oven.

14. If you're going to have a movie about your life, the title is...
We Want To Be Smiths Hannah.

15. Your last words before you die...
Nobody Better Lay a Finger on my Hannah.

16. Your message to a special someone..
Things Happen After a Hannah.

17. Title of this post will be...
Better Living Through Hannah.

o.O some of the answers don't make any sense to me

Guitar Progress:
learnt 2 basic methods of strumming. YAY ME!!! thanks carmen for trying to teach me how to strum (sadly you'll never see this D=) and steph for encourging little miss always-the-pessimist.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


i think i spelt my title wrong...but WHO CARES =DD always sucked at spelling, can't spell to save my life. anyhoo, i've been much too lazy to write in my diary so this will have to be a substitute.

today's the first day of e-learning, and i haven't started yet. 'course, i'm hoping to get some work done by the end of the day, hopefully tonight if i dont succumb to the temptation of watching heroes. speaking of tv, my dad's been EXTREMELY addicted to improving the quality of the tv.

he just got a new dvd player and some whatssitcalled cable that's sposed to link the dvd player to the sound systemor something. now he's playing stuff like the lord of the rings and dark knight just so he can test out the sound. which is part of the reason why i cant concentrate. :(

ahhh screw e-learning!

I CAN'S STRUM!!! I DON'T CARE WHAT STEPH SAYS I CAN'T!!!! i've watched a million videos and i still don't get how to strummm *bawl* i don't gedditt, how'm i sposed to strum?? upwards or downwards??? AHHHHHHH can't stand this...